Justice Discipleship
Once people learn about the problem of human trafficking the number one question they ask is, “What can I do about it?” We created an anti-trafficking toolkit called the The Fight for Freedom Book as a response to that very important question. The Fight for Freedom gives church leaders the ability to give an action-oriented, discipleship-focused response. The “Church and Human Trafficking” classes deepen learning as believers go through the The Fight for Freedom Book, together. The result has been that we are seeing people ignited with a passion to follow Jesus into the radical pursuit of justice and righteousness. Eyes are being opened. Minds are being renewed. The people of God are taking new steps of bold action (see Proverbs 31:8-9)

Unified Collaboration
The Alliance collaborates with many churches, anti-trafficking organizations, and ministries throughout the city, our nation, and beyond. Through the Alliance, churches are given a direct connection to the immediate needs of trafficking victims and are given a voice among influential places with government and on various task forces and coalitions working to move the needle of justice forward. Every congregation in the Alliance has two representatives that act as liaisons between their church and the Alliance. The Church Council meets quarterly to engage with one another, stay updated on the front lines of trafficking, and better understand the work of the various partners of the Alliance.

Strategic Giving
All Alliance Churches give annually into the Alliance. This not only supports the small operations of the Alliance but significantly furthers the work of strategic projects on the front lines that are crucial to the success of the movement. Funding is given to vetted partners where and when it’s most needed to be the most effective. We evaluate each potential partner's transparency, leadership, stewardship and impact. Ongoing conversations help ensure that the money is being used for its intended purpose. The Alliance is fully transparent on all its financial revenue and expenses. We are happy to share how we are stewarding the money given.