Uniting the Church to Fight Human Trafficking

By equipping you with education, collaboration, and direct routes to engagement

What is the Fight for Freedom Book?

Join the fight against human trafficking with "The Fight for Freedom," a comprehensive resource from the Freedom Church Alliance. This book offers six immersive experiences, covering key topics in human trafficking awareness and prevention. This continuously updated book, featuring survivor testimonies and enhanced video content, equips you to become a human trafficking abolitionist as this educational resource provides awareness, prevention, and rescue efforts.
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Human Trafficking Exists in All 50 States

Click on the name of each state to view an article or statistic related to human trafficking.

Here's Our Solution:

The Fight for Freedom book serves as our primary educational tool, empowering individuals and churches with knowledge and strategies to combat human trafficking. Additionally, the Freedom Church Alliance brings together churches as Alliance Church Members, leveraging their collective strength to support frontline anti-trafficking organizations. By utilizing The Fight for Freedom and furthermore joining our alliance, you can play a crucial role in the fight against human trafficking.

Why Get The Book?

Here are 5 reasons to get The Fight for Freedom book:

Comprehensive Education

Gain in-depth understanding of human trafficking issues and solutions through six immersive "experiences."

Practical Action Steps

Each chapter includes a "take the next step" section, empowering you to apply what you've learned immediately.

Multimedia Learning

Access enhanced video content via QR codes, bringing stories and information to life.

Continuously Updated

The book links to regularly refreshed online resources, ensuring you always have the latest information.

Direct Impact

Your purchase helps create this educational resource, directly contributing to awareness, prevention, and rescue efforts. Any additional donations help provide support to frontline organizations.

How to Engage Your Church in Anti-Human Trafficking Work

Get The Fight for Freedom book
Our interactive book, The Fight for Freedom, provides holistic education on trafficking for individuals and church leaders alike. This resource is designed for both those new to anti-trafficking efforts and field experts.
Get The Book
Join the Alliance
Receive guidance to deepen your church’s education and engagement as you collaborate with nearly 30 churches to combat human trafficking, standing united as The Church.
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Explore Anti-trafficking Organizations
Link arms with

Christian organizations fighting human trafficking

to learn what they are doing and how you can get involved with the organization that best aligns with your preferences and skill sets.
Explore Anti-trafficking Organizations
Here's What Churches Are Saying:
How We've Helped the Church Body Fight Trafficking Together:
"Working with the Freedom Church Alliance has allowed us help educate our church members about human trafficking and has equipped them to volunteer in so many areas where they can make a huge difference. The FCA trainings are factual, yet full of hope and ideas on concrete actions that can help end the scourge of human trafficking."
"In the urban community, there is a term of endearment called 'day ones.' 'Day ones' are the friends and family that have been there since day one because they believe in you and what you are doing. We've been with Freedom Church Alliance since day one because we believe in them and what they are doing."
"The Fight for Freedom has been a terrific book to help engage our members in battling a crisis that is happening all around us, yet few of us truly recognize. By training and equipping our members, we are empowering them to become part of the solution as we seek to combat trafficking in Houston, Texas, and throughout the world. Tools like the Fight for Freedom and the work of Freedom Church Alliance and its partners are critical in mobilizing the Church and putting an end to this tragedy."
Kathleen Yarborough
Community Ministries Director, CityRise
Clark Reynolds
Missions Pastor,
First Baptist Church

Together We Can Make a Bigger Difference to Help Stop Human Trafficking

The church must rise up as a unified body to pray, engage, and invest in existing organizations that are already doing good work and filling identified gaps in the anti-human trafficking field. Fragmented efforts are not enough. Maybe your church wants to bring freedom to those enslaved, but you don’t know where to begin or maybe you don’t want to work alone.

At the Freedom Church Alliance we know that you want to feel equipped, empowered, and capable to fight human trafficking. Maybe you want your church to be actively engaged with the issue, but you have limited resources, you’re being pulled in many directions, or your plate is already full. Additionally, sex, abuse, and pornography can be taboo topics in the church. All of this can make us feel overwhelmed. We at the Alliance believe churches should have the proper support to get engaged with anti-human trafficking efforts and not spread themselves even thinner.

Our collective efforts have the ability to make a bigger impact in the fight against human trafficking. This is why we serve the body of Christ by equipping them with education, collaboration, and direct routes to engage with anti-human trafficking work. As an alliance of churches, we continuously develop and refine strategies to help the church be more effective in the fight.

This model has been working since 2013, when God called us to unite and step out in faith on behalf of the children, women, and men trapped in the evil of human trafficking. Through our framework, churches have produced hundreds of volunteers, collaborated on large awareness events, given over $1 million to frontline efforts, discipled and educated thousands of believers. We invite you too into the Alliance, so you can know that you are building an equipped congregation, armed with the tools to strategically and courageously fight human trafficking.
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FAQ's From Churches Wanting to Stop Human Trafficking

In a simplified way, it is using a person through force, fraud, or coercion for commercial sex or labor. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 defines human trafficking as the “recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.” However, if a person younger than 18 is used to perform a commercial sex act, then the elements of force, fraud, or coercion do not need to be proven.

The National Human Trafficking Hotline ( 1-888-373-7888) is the number that anyone in the United States can call or text if 1) they might be a victim of human trafficking and need help, 2) they suspect a trafficking situation and want to report it, or 3) they need resources about human trafficking. The National Human Trafficking Resource Center keeps a state-by-state guide where individuals can find anti-trafficking organizations working in their areas. The Rescue America hotline helps victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation quickly get out of their situation to a safe place.

National Human Trafficking Hotline - Call 1-888-373-7888 ( TTY: 711)|*Text HELP to BeFree (233733) |Live Chat

Rescue America – Call - 713-322-8000

In situations where you suspect trafficking, we recommend calling these numbers; however, you can also call local organizations and law enforcement who may be more familiar with local protocols and systems in place to help more quickly.

Recognizing red flags and signs of human trafficking is the first step in identifying potential victims and connecting them to the help they need.

Here are just a few indicators that sex or labor trafficking may be occurring: 

  • Is under 18 and providing commercial sex acts
  • Is in the commercial sex industry and has a pimp/manager
  • Has poor mental health or abnormal behavior
  • Shows fearful or anxious behavior after bringing up law enforcement
  • Poor physical health and shows signs of physical or sexual abuse or restraint
  • Lacks control in life or money
  • Is not in control of their own documents
  • Is not allowed to speak for themselves
  • Lacks knowledge of where they are
  • Wearing inappropriate clothing for the weather (eg. shorts in winter)
  • Loss of sense in time

This list is not exhaustive. Learn more about recognizing the signs at the Trafficking Resource Center.

The Fight for Freedom takes individuals and groups on a journey to truly understand the complexities of human trafficking and then how people can use their individual skillsets to get involved. From people who have just started learning about human trafficking all the way to those who are already in the fight, this experience has something for everyone to learn and reflect on. The book includes videos from experts and survivors who have spent years fighting for justice and restoration for survivors of human trafficking, online tools such as the State by State Guide, and a Leader’s Guide for anyone who wants to lead others through this content in community.

On our resources page, you can find books, podcasts, videos, and articles that can further your education on human trafficking. In these resources, you’ll also read firsthand stories from survivors of human trafficking. Each story is unique to the individual and we encourage you to read it from a place of empathy and openness. These resources will grow your understanding of human trafficking and how you can join the cause.

Going through The Fight for Freedom, you will learn about the various ways you can impact the anti-trafficking field through volunteerism locally, nationally, and even globally. By visiting our Anti-Trafficking partners page, you will find a list of our Trusted Partners as well as State by State Guide and a National & Global Guide to help you identify local organizations in your area who are already in the fight.

Throughout The Fight for Freedom, we refer to many anti-trafficking organizations who have been in the fight for years. At this time, we can only say that we have vetted our current Trusted Partners listed on our website. However, there are plenty of organizations doing great work around the U.S. and globally. We recommend that you start by using our State by State Guide and the National & Global guide to find somewhere local to begin. Past that, we encourage you to do some research to find an organization that serves in an area that you wish to contribute in – whether that’s serving women, men, girls, or boys – or focusing on demand, prevention, intervention, aftercare, restoration, or justice.

The U.S. Department of State has a Trafficking in Persons Office through the Justice Department. They oversee the U.S. efforts in combating trafficking. Each year they release the Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report, which shares how each country in the world is fighting trafficking and helping survivors heal. There is federal funding flowing from this office to support anti-trafficking efforts around the United States.  The White House also established the U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking, made up of survivors who share their experiences and expertise in guiding legislation and making recommendations on where the U.S. should focus its anti-trafficking efforts. Each state and city has its own methods in helping anti-trafficking efforts. For example, in Texas, The Office of the Governor has a Child Sex Trafficking Team that is dedicated to improving support and multidisciplinary teams surrounding children who have been victims of sex trafficking. Houston has a specific team, the Mayor's Office of Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence, focused on seeing a reduction in trafficking and domestic violence in Houston.

Human trafficking has been found in all 50 states, as you can see from the examples of news reports in this map. Since it is such an underground criminal enterprise, it is not possible to say that one state has more human trafficking than any other. However, the National Human Trafficking Hotline reports that California, Texas, and Florida consistently have the highest number of human trafficking cases reported to them. 

  • Begin by praying for survivors and your own hearts. We have specific ways you can pray for the movement here.
  • Next, become educated. Go through The Fight for Freedom book in a small group and dive into the resources provided here.
  • Find out what local anti-trafficking organizations are doing in your city and state.
  • Raise awareness within your church of the issue of human trafficking. Make space and opportunities for local organizations to educate and train your congregation. This could be giving a two-minute platform during a service and/or promoting a “Human Trafficking 101” class after the service is finished.
  • Create a plan of how to safely and lovingly help those who show signs of abuse or reach out for help.
  • Give survivors voices and be a safe, non-judgmental space for survivors. Listen to their needs.
  • Learn what other churches are doing in your area and see if there are opportunities to partner.
  • Give to organizations doing the hard work in ending demand, raising awareness, or working directly with survivors.

We originally included The Fight for Freedom book as part of our GoBox toolkit at the Freedom Church Alliance. However, we realized the book could be just as effective on its own. By offering it separately, we've reduced shipping costs. This change allows us to direct more proceeds towards frontline anti-trafficking work while keeping the book's cost minimal. The standalone format enables us to reach more people with our educational materials, increasing the impact of our anti-trafficking efforts. Essentially, this shift represents our strategic move to maximize the book's reach and effectiveness while streamlining costs and distribution.

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